Sunday, November 24, 2019

Break Every Chain Empowerment Prayer Boot Camp

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" 2 Corinthians 10:4

The Prayer Warriors Zone

This Prayer Boot Camp is designed to equip and empower individuals in the Body of Christ to overcome stagnancy, delays, backwardness, struggles, re-occurring issues of life, marriage problems, and much more through sound Biblical context while experiencing corporate prayer that will break through barriers.

You will walk away with Kingdom of God insights that will help you to exercise your faith 24 hours a day inwardly and externally as Jesus Christ being your victorious banner.

We sincerely desire to build up the Body of Christ and to leave at least 12 engaging prayer warriors in each region to combat the forces that exist in each region in order to set captives free. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name!

Venue will be officially be announced soon!

Our Beliefs
We recognize, praise, and operate under the leading of our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, along with guiding of the Holy Ghost only. In order to operate in authority, we
choose to allow Him to operate through us by submitting to His will, authority, and power for the Kingdom of God unto His glory, not ours.
We agree, as a part of the body of Jesus Christ, that the only way to God is through His son Jesus and that the only authority we have to operate in this ministry comes directly from Him.
We believe that we are heirs through Jesus Christ and have been giving the God given right to perform the acts of Jesus Christ in the earth under His authority, power, and might in the Kingdom of God.
Vision of the Prayer Boot Camps
Our vision is to embark on a journey throughout the world to establish prayer camps that will continue to impact their local communities with prayer to break strongholds of all
dark systems globally.
Mission of the Prayer Boot Camps
To introduce prayer points based on the Holy Bible that will destroy and dismantle the work of dark systems, empower and equip individuals to prevail in prayer in order to produce the acts of Jesus Christ in each area, and continuously engage and encourage prayer in each region.
Kingdom Strategies
Establish key relationships with Christian institutions that desire to release Biblical prophetic decrees that will expose, destroy and eliminate demonic strongholds in their local territory in a 24 hour Prayer Boot Camp environment.

Find 12 persons in the Prayer Boot Camp that is willing to grow, to be empowered and equipped to remain as vigilant and dedicated prayer warriors in their local territory.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Kingdom Hour: Donna Ghanney interviews Estanislao (T.J.) Hurtado III

Donna Ghanney as she interviews Author, Estanislao (T.J.) Hurtado III on The Kingdom Hour where we share 

     "Empowering and Equipping Real Life Stories that Impact Spirit, Soul, and Body"

Topic: A Love Letter To The Ladies

About Our Guest: Estanislao (T.J.) Hurtado III

Raised by a single mother and the older brother of three younger sisters, naturally prepared Estanislao (T.J.) Hurtado III to communicate and understand a female’s perspective. Over the past twenty-two years as a single Christian man, he has met many single Christian ladies who have shared many of their personal life events with him. Known as the kind, single brother in the Lord, he remained in the friend zone with the women, which made it comfortable for them to confide in him. Having experienced similar situations, many of the conversations discussed sexual purity, emotional boundaries in romantic relationships, forgiveness, and turning one’s painful negative experiences into an opportunity to empathize and minister to others. T.J.’s personal school of hard knocks and the Holy Spirit has given the author spiritual insight on these complicated and rarely discussed subjects. Learn more about our guest here:

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Julie Castro Interviews Donna Ghanney on Thirst No More and Bear Fruit

Julie Castro interviews Rev. Dr. Donn Ghanney on Thirst No More Bear Fruits TV

Topic: Advancing the Kingdom with Digital Technologies

Learn more about Thirst No More Bear Fruits TV:

You can also view Thirst and other shows at the following website.


Valley Access Channel; Stillwater, MN

Hibbing Public Access Television; Hibbing, MN

Salem Access Television; Salem, MA

South Oakland Cable; Farmington, MI

Pittsburgh Community Television; Pittsburgh, PA









Saturday, August 26, 2017

Donna Ghanney CPLC: EVENTS

Donna Ghanney CPLC: EVENTS: Powered by Eventbrite Powered by Eventbrite RSVP HERE Learn more here:  T...

Sunday, August 6, 2017

KEITV12: The Kingdom Hour - Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Julie Casto

Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Julie Castro on "The Kingdom Hour".

Topic: On Earth As It Is In Heaven

About Our Guest

Julie Castro credits her parents for her writing and editing talents. Throughout her work history, Julie has written articles, grants and proposals giving her the foundation for writing a book. In 2014, she resurrected Fiesta Publishing, the company her mother co-founded in 1994.

Having a personal relationship with Jesus for 29 years, Julie has lived her life according to His will; leading her to new cities, jobs, churches, and the understanding of walking heaven on earth. She finds living in the Lord an adventure and never knows where she will be led to go or

who she will encounter each day.










Saturday, July 29, 2017

Upcoming Virtual Online Event - PR Distribution and Marketing Friday August 4 2017

Join me FRIDAY, August 4, 2017 at 7:00 pm EST for a FREE 1 HR training to see how you can boost your ministry, business, non profit organizations visibility.

Topic: PR Distribution and Marketing - Social Media

As a man or woman of GOD, you can play a major role in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Social Media can help you to achieve your GOD-given vision and mission to reach the masses of individuals who are using mobile devices, e-pads, and laptops globally.

Christian Coaches, Non-Profit Organizations (NGO's), Authors, Christian Bloggers, and Kingdom Business men and women specializing is niches can use social media to reach your intended audience with minimal dollars and taking a little time out of your day.

Social Media is a way to increase your marketing stance and help you to rank high in Search Engines.

Reach out to millions of individuals using this Kingdom Revelation Method to share what the Lord has given you to do by learning how to strategically utilize what the LORD GOD has given us to impact the world.

KEITV12: The Kingdom Hour - Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Bridgett P...

Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Bridgett Pouncil on "The Kingdom Hour".

Topic: Exploring Financial Stability for The Kingdom Minded

About Bridgett Pouncil

Bridgett Pouncil is a National Recruiter, Financial Planner and Team Leader at InVida Financial Group.

*Learn how you can invest into your future for less than $25.00 per month.

*Learn how to avoid future problems for your family members by planning now.

*Learn how to avoid losing your insurance coverages after losing or changing jobs.

Proverbs 13:22 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:

  and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."

Follow Kingdom Empowerment Inc TV as we broadcast Real Life Stories on The Kingdom Hour that is informational, inspirational, transforming, and renewing to the Body of Christ. Get Kingdom Empowered!






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Kingdom Empowerment Inc

Playlist: KEITV12

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